

News 25 Sep 2018
ASOIU first-year students given access to Unibook

On September 25, Unibook (Electronic University) was presented to first-year students at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).  Head of ASOIU Information Technologies Department Elnur Safarli provided the students with broad information about Unibook. The principle of operation, internal rules and other sections of the system were explained to students.   E. Safarli visually acquainted students with the system and the rules of use.  He noted that through Unibook students will be able to access materials of any subject, as well as get acquainted with teachers’ lectures and syllabuses in a single information environment, that combines separate teaching structures and automated subsystems. E. Safarli stressed that all students have access to the portal, and each user has a special password. Students will be able to change their passwords any time and enter to Unibook. He also noted that by entering Unibook they can find out any information, conduct laboratory works, prepare any assignments, receive information about all departments and even contact the teachers through the Internet in case they do not understand the topic.

At the end of the event, students received answers to their questions. Notably, all information about the university, lesson schedules, subject programs, electronic resources have been posted on the portal. Lesson topics are written down by teachers and their schedule is noted. Subject programs include taught subjects and students’ score.

