

News 26 Sep 2018
The next Student Scholarship program of Azercell Telecom has been kicked off at ASOIU

On September 26, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industrial University (AUDIO) hosted an event dedicated to the next Student Scholarship Program of Azercell Telecom for the 2018/2019 academic year. At the event, students were informed about the activity of Azercell Telecom, students' scholarships and internship programs. The application procedures to the scholarship program, the selection process, and the advantages of the program were explained. Later, it was noted that students who have successfully passed all the stages of the program will receive a scholarship defined by the company until the end of the academic year. It was also noted that students within the framework of this program will have the opportunity to enhance their knowledge about the telecommunications field, participate in company's corporate events and social activities, to attend various trainings and to pass a probation in the company.
At the end of the event, students received answers to their questions. 
