

News 27 Sep 2018
Rector Mustafa Babanlı met Chinese students who will continue their education at ASOIU.

On September 25 Rector of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Professor Mustafa Babanli met with 7 students of Lanzhou Petrochemical College who will continue their education at ASOIU and their parents. Taking a leading position at Northern-West of China the Lanzhou Petrochemical College for the first time of its 60 years of history selected seven students to continue their education abroad. Rector of ASOIU M.Babanli answered the questions of students and parents and informed them about the advantages of education at ASOIU.
ADNSU has been cooperating with Lanzhou Petrochemical College for over a year and there are strong relations between two institutes. During the meeting of the Rector of ASOIU M.Babanli, which organized by Lanzhou Petrochemical College, it is planned hundreds of talented Chinese young people to come and study at ASOIU within the framework of the cooperation program in coming years.
