

News 10 Oct 2018
ASOIU’s Rector met with the Director of Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute

On October 10, rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Professor Mustafa Babanli met with the director of Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, Professor Ahmed Al-Sabahi and Head of the Center for Culture and Education of the Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Azerbaijan, Ahmed Sami Eles.

Expressing satisfaction with seeing the guests at the university, Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli provided information about the history, teaching process, scientific researches and international relations of ASOIU. Nothing that works are carried out on attracting foreign students and professors at the university Rector M. Babanli highlighted that it is planned to involve about 40 foreign professors including UFAZ to the university.

Feeling proud to be at the university director of Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, Professor Ahmed Al-Sabahi provided detailed information about the institution he represents. Nothing his interest in the implementation of joint projects and the development of new partnership projects with ASOIU the guest touched upon the importance of signing a memorandum of cooperation with the university.

Later, the sides discussed joint projects in scientific, practical and other fields.
