

News 12 Oct 2018
ASOIU attends 12th Azerbaijan International Education Exhibition

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) attends 12th Azerbaijan International Education Exhibition with the support of the Ministry of Education. At the exhibition titled "Investing in the future of children" the university provides visitors with an extensive presentation of its taught specialties, startup projects, dual programs, bachelor, master and doctorate levels, as well as summer school, scientific and technical achievements and international relations.
In addition, books and training manuals about engineering, petrochemistry and information technologies of the university’s academic staff are demonstrated at ASOIU’s stand. By approaching ASOIU’s stand, visitors become acquainted with the startup projects through videos, prospects in Azerbaijani, Russian and English languages, 3 different booklets, acquaint with the academic opportunities and innovations through “Oil and Industry” magazine published in 2 languages.

At ASOIU's stand the prototypes of Flydron, GRP, gardenX, KubiRub, Camtouch, Multivizor projects of “eazi START” Startup and Innovation Center functioning under the university caused visitor' great interest. The stand of the Azerbaijani-French University, functioning under ASOIU at the educational exhibition, is also caused visitors' great interest.
Minister of Education Ceyhun Bayramov and other employees of the ministry attended the opening ceremony of the exhibition and got acquainted with the ASOIU's stand. Rector of ASOIU, Professor Mustafa Babanli provided them detailed information about the works carried out at the university, educational process and startup projects. Within the framework of the exhibition, Rector of ASOIU M. Babanli made a speech on improving the quality of education in the direction of the increasing interest in Azerbaijan engineering specialties at the lecture hall. Rector M. Babanli's speech on the current state, problems and advantages of teaching engineering specialties in the country was welcomed with interest by listeners in the lecture hall.
Noting the increasing of the teaching quality of engineering specialties, Rector M. Babanli spoke about works carried at in this direction at ASOIU. Setting an example high statistical indicators of student admission for 2018/2019 academic year as a result of the works carried out at ASOIU during the last years, rector M. Babanli also provided information about the planned works in order to continue the development. The participants expressed their gratitude to rector M.Babanli for detailed information and noted that they were delighted to observe the development at ASOIU. In the end rector, M. Babanli answered the questions of the participants. 12th Azerbaijan International Education Exhibition (“Education 2018”) brought together 135 participants from 12 countries worldwide. This year, participants from Azerbaijan, Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Turkey, Uzbekistan, and other countries will present their schools, gymnasiums, colleges, universities and other courses at the exhibition.
The exhibition will finish its work on October 13.
