

News 12 Oct 2018
ASOIU hosted a meeting with the chairmen of State Attestation Commission

On October 11, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University hosted a meeting with the chairmen of the State Attestation Commission (SAC) on bachelor's degree in the 2017-2018 academic year. At the meeting, discussions were held on the organization of attestation exams, the final graduation works of the graduates and the evaluation of their readiness in accordance with the educational standards and requirements of the country's modern economy.

Rector of ASOIU, Professor Mustafa Babanlı provided information about the results of the 2017-2018 academic year and the works which had been carried out at the university. Saying that 2866 students admitted to bachelor's and 601 students to master's degree this year, Professor M. Babanli pointed out that in the admission the average score increased to 447 points compared to the previous years. Rector M. Babanli provided information to participants about the AZII-IT-Club, “Eazi START”, Startup and Innovation Center functioning at ASOIU, accreditation of specialties, students' practical internship, the activity of Alumni-Career Center of the university.

Making a speech at the event the chairmen of SAC noted that in accordance with the results of the 2017-2018 academic year the level of the graduation works, promotion skills of students have increased. They highly appreciated the works carried out at the university in the direction of improving the quality of teaching and establishing in accordance with the requirements of the economy. In addition, the chairmen of SAC emphasized the significance of the graduation topics which are more specific and appropriate to the specialty.

Rector of ASOIU, Professor M. Babanli expressed his gratitude to the chairmen of SAC for their proposals and stressed that the efforts will be continued in order ASOIU to provide education up to the world standards.
