

News 17 Oct 2018
"AstroUFAZ" team awarded at "CanSat Azerbaijan 2018" model satellite competition.

On October 16, AstroUFAZ team consisting of students of the Azerbaijan-French University (UFAZ) functioning under the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) was awarded a certificate in the nomination "The Best Team Work" at the final stage of the "CanSat Azerbaijan 2018" model competition held among the students for the first time in Azerbaijan jointly organized by the Ministry of Education and "Azerkosmos" OJSC.

Although the competition was attended by 31 teams of students from 11 universities of Azerbaijan studying Mechanics and Computer Engineering, Automation of Processes, Mathematics, Physics and other technical specialties, only 10 teams including UFAZ's “AstroUFAZ” team became a finalist.

Minister of Education Jeyhun Bayramov, Rector of the National Aviation Academy, chief of the Council of Cosmic Problems, Academician Arif Pashayev, co-chair of the Council of Space Problems, Academician Roald Sagdeev, Chairman of “Azerkosmos” OJSC Rashad Nabiyev and UFAZ Executive Director, Associate Professor Vazeh Askerov attended at the event.

The five hundred grams model satellite prepared by teams were launched into the sky over 400 meters. Launched model satellites, sending a signal – telemetry to the ground station via special software prepared by the teams, took the pictures during the flight. Then, the teams presented their results in front of the jury.

Acquainting with satellite models, jury members presented the certificates and valuable gifts to the finalists succeeded in the final stage.

Later UFAZ was presented appreciation letter for the support provided by AstroUFAZ for the participation in the "CanSat Azerbaijan 2018" model satellite competition. The appreciation letter was presented by the Minister of Education Jeyhun Bayramov to UFAZ’s Executive Director, Associate Professor Vazeh Askerov.

The main purpose of CanSat Azerbaijan 2018 competition is to increase an interest in student satellite projects in the country, to represent the country with more experienced teams in similar international competitions and to stimulating national satellite industry. At the same time, the competition aimed at acquiring the skills and habits for construction of nano and other real satellites by local specialists in Azerbaijan in the future.




