

News 18 Oct 2018
Representatives of Financial Markets Supervision Authority hold training for ASOIU's students

On October 17, the Financial Markets Supervision Authority conducted a training for students of the Faculty of Economics and Management by the Training and Education Center on "Cashless payments: available opportunities and innovations";  "Financing and Listing through Capital Markets".

Head of Payment Systems Oversight Unit at Financial Market Supervisory Authority Tamerlan Rustamov, Senior Analyst of Financial Markets Supervisory Authority for Control of the Department of Trade Operations Arif Jalilov, Baku Stock Exchange specialist Museyib Mehdiyev, made a presentation on cashless payments, opportunities and innovations, as well as financing in capital markets in the training.

 The event provided information about cashless payments and its main features, cashless payment models,  transactions with payment orders and payment cards, possible fraudulent credit card transaction, e-money as well as money transfer. The representatives of FMSA made a presentation covered capital market participants and instruments, investment securities, capital markets financing, types of investment services and the theoretical and practical subjects on issuers of the Baku Stock Exchange listing.

At the end of the event, students received answers to their questions.
