

News 18 Oct 2018
Rector of ASOIU meets with Chinese students

On October 18, the rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Professor Mustafa Babanli met with Chinese students studying at the University. The meeting was attended by the authorized delegate of the Shanghai University and the representative of ASOIU in China Dr. Renying Li, Vice-Rector for International Affairs, Associated Professor Rafik Jamalov, as well as 7 students of Lanzhou Petrochemical College of China and other Chinese students.

Greeting students Rector of ASOIU, Professor M. Babanli spoke about the condition created for foreign students at the university, teaching opportunities, and the expanding student exchange process. Speaking about the expansion of educational ties between the two countries, rector M.Babanli noted that ASOIU attaches particular importance to cooperation with China in the student exchange. Noting that the number of Chinese students studying in ASOIU increase year by year, Rector M. Babanli stressed that there are several projects in the direction of the development of relations with China.
