

News 18 Oct 2018
State Independence Day of Azerbaijan marked at ASOIU

On October 17 Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held an event dedicated to October 18 – State Independence Day of Azerbaijan. The event was attended by Rector of ASOIU Professor Mustafa Babanli, university’s teaching staff and students. Congratulating the participants of the event on the occasion of holiday Rector, Professor M. Babanli characterized October 18 one of the most glorious and remarkable days in the history of Azerbaijan. He noted that in the first years of independence, besides a deep political and economic crisis, Azerbaijan also faced Armenian military aggression. Rector Mustafa Babanli noted that thanks to the return of the Great leader Haydar Aliyev to power with the people's insistence, saved the country from the danger of destruction and civil war. Talking about the development path of the Republic of Azerbaijan during the years of independence, Rector, Professor M. Babanli emphasized that each citizen should fulfill certain duties to make the state independence eternal. Head of ASOIU’s Social Studies Department, Professor Jamal Mustafayev spoke about the sacrifices for the sake of independence and noted that preserving the independence is the primary duty of each citizen of Azerbaijan. Stating that our independence is irreversible Jamal Mustafayev noted that today's development path of Azerbaijan is the result of the political policy of the great leader that continues with high political skill by President Ilham Aliyev.

