

News 24 Oct 2018
University of Alcala representatives visited UFAZ

On October 24, 2018, Buitrago Jimenez Daniel and Lopez Gomez Silvia, representatives from the International Cooperation Department of the University of Alcalá, visited the French-Azerbaijani University as part of their training program in the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University within the framework of Erasmus + Exchange Program.

UFAZ management, Director, Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov and Secretary General Charlotte Payen, gave comprehensive information about UFAZ and the content of the education provided at the university: specialties, teaching methodologies, students and the quality approach of French Higher Education System in Sciences.

Guests from Spain got acquainted with UFAZ premises (including chemistry and physics laboratories) and conducted interesting discussions about further exchanges of staff and students between Spain and Azerbaijan.
