

News 27 Oct 2018
ASOIU continues to hold a meeting with AzII alumnus from different countries

On October 27 rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Professor Mustafa Babanli met with the alumnus of ASOIU (formerly AzII) from Germany, Peru, and South Africa (SAR) within the framework of the 6th Baku International Humanitarian Forum.

After greeting the guests, rector M. Babanli provided information about the works, reforms carried out at the university, new teaching methods and upcoming projects. Noting the importance of international relations for the ASOIU, the rector highlighted the importance of expanding ties with ASOIU in involving foreign students and mutual exchange.

Expressing their great interest in the specialties taught at ASOIU in the countries they represent, the guests noted that, they liked the new methods applied in the field of oil and gas. They noted that Peru and SAD which has a qualified staff shortage are interested in cooperation with ASOIU and will do their best to give support in this field.

In the end, the negotiations for the development of cooperation at the level of leadership on a large scale were discussed.
