

News 01 Nov 2018
ASOIU held the opening ceremony of the auditorium named after Yusuf Mammadaliyev

On November 1 the opening ceremony of the auditorium named after academician, the prominent chemist, doctor of chemistry, Laureate of the State Prize, Yusuf Mammadaliyev was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

Rector of ASOIU, Professor Mustafa Babanli stressed that the memory of the prominent scientist is always remembered at ASOIU and noted that the establishment of the auditorium named after scientist is important for the university. Saying that daily lessons will be held in the auditorium named after Y. Mammadaliyev, rector M. Babanli emphasized that also students can get detailed information about the activity and creativity of the great academician. Besides this, noting that the scholarship named after Y. Mammadaliyev was established at ASOIU by the decision of the Academic Board of the university, rector M.Babanli urged young chemists to be worthy of this scholarship.

The director of the Institute of Petrochemical Processes named after Academician Y. Mammadaliyev, academician Vagif Abbasov spoke about the achievements of the prominent scientist, his important works in the development of young personnel and the unexampled works for Azerbaijan chemistry. Noting that scientific works in the field of rocket fuel are one of the greatest achievements of scientist, V.Abbasov underlined that one of his major scientific ideas is connected with the Naftalan oil.

Professor Yunis Gahramanli, Head of the Department of Technology of Chemical and Inorganic Substances of ASOIU made a presentation on the life and activity of academician Y.Mammadaliyev. Later, making a speech the daughter of the prominent scientist, the Deputy Minister of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Sevda Mammadaliyeva highly appreciated the establishment of the auditorium named after her father in ADNSU, which has rich historical roots and expressed her deep gratitude to the university administration. Speaking about the academician's life and the chemistry school created by him, Professor S. Mammadaliyeva noted that academician Yusuf Mammadaliyev was a universal person and stressed that he had passed a short but rich way of life.


Later, a film dedicated to academician Y. Mammadaliyev was demonstrated.

 Note that, the auditorium named after academician Yusuf Mammadaliyev which is given to the balance of the Department of Chemistry and Inorganic Materials of ASOIU was presented to the students
