

News 08 Nov 2018
Rector of ASOIU meets with  Ambassador of Peru to our country

On November 8, rector of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Professor Mustafa Babanli met with the Ambassador of Peru to Azerbaijan Maria Milagros Kastanyn Seoani.

After greeting the guest, Rector of ASOIU, Professor M. Babanli provided information the guest about the students from Peru studying at ASOIU, as well as the educational process, specialties and cooperation carried out in the university. Expressing satisfaction of being at ASOIU, Ambassador of Peru to Azerbaijan M. Milagros Kastanien Seoani spoke about the need for universities, as well as specialists in oil and gas field in the country she represents.

Noting that they are interested in establishing and expanding relations with ASOIU, Ambassador M. Milacros touched upon the issue on exchanging of students and teachers with similar specialties and development of joint projects.
The meeting featured discussions  on cooperation and regulation of cooperation with official documents.
