

News 13 Nov 2018
SOCAR Human Resources Department holds presentation on practical internship and scholarship programs for ASOIU students

On November 13, the meeting was held with the chief of SOCAR Human Resources Department Asif Bekirli and students at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

Opening the event, Rector of ASOIU Professor Mustafa Babanli spoke about the importance of cooperation between SOCAR and ASOIU and expressed his gratitude for SOCAR's confidence to the university. Speaking about recent reforms in the university, the rector M. Babanli underlined the works carried out in the direction of providing students' participation in the practical internship as well as providing masters with jobs.

Speaking about SOCAR's opportunities for students for the 2018/2019 academic year and cooperation with ASOIU, the chief of SOCAR Human Resources Department A. Bekirli touched upon the importance of meeting with students. Touching upon the importance of joint work with universities in the training of engineering staff, A. Bekirli stressed that ASOIU students hold a special place in the internal scholarship programs of SOCAR as well as in practical internship.

SOCAR's youth projects, internal and external scholarship programs, as well as paid and unpaid internship were demonstrated at the meeting. It was noted that ASOIU's students are active participants of SOCAR's scholarship programs, summer school projects, as well as other initiatives. Thus, in 2018 748 ASOIU's students has been selected for the unpaid practical internship. So far, 3392 people from ASOIU have passed internship at SOCAR. Later, awards were presented to the students distinguished in SOCAR programs.


At the end of the event, students received answers to their questions.

