

News 14 Nov 2018
Teaching staff of faculty of Oil Mechanical Engineering visits BOS SHELF LLC

On November 14, the teaching staff of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) visited BOS Shelf LLC.
Meeting attended by Dean of the Faculty of Oil Mechanical Engineering, Associate Professor, Ali Hikmat Ahmadov, Deputy Dean on Scientific Affairs, Associate Professor Tahir Suleymanov, head of the Department of Mechanics, Professor Alasgar Aliyev, head of the Department of Oil and Gas Production Jamaladdin Aslanov, head of the Department of Machine Building and Materials Science, Associate Professor Tahir Jabbarov, deputy director of BOS Shelf LLC Nazim Huseynov,
General Manager on Human Resources and Organizational matters Galib Hasanov, the manager on Human Resources Javanshir Aliyev and training coordinator Nigar Mahmudova.
Dean of the Faculty of Oil Mechanical Engineering, Associate Professor, Ali Hikmat Ahmadov provided detailed information about the reforms carried out in different directions.
Speaking about the educational process, scientific works, international relations, startup movement, English language specialties, Laser Center, exchange programs, etc. at the university, A.Ahmadov pointed out that the training is carried out compatible with the France education system at Azerbaijani-French University (UFAZ), functioning under the ASOIU.
Noting that in the past few years high results were recorded at all three levels of education in admission (bachelor, master and doctorate), A.Ahmedov linked this with the right curriculum policy conducted at ASOIU.
Deputy Director of BOS Shelf LLC Nazim Huseynov provided detailed information about the history of the company, implemented projects, staff and others. Noting that Baku Deep Water Jacket Factory was built in 1978 by National Leader Heydar Aliyev's own initiative, Nazim Huseynov underlined that "BOS Shelf" company started to operate in the area of the factory in 2011 and since that time became one of the largest enterprise of the Caspian Sea. Saying that the AzII (ASOIU) was always distinguished by its educational tradition, Nazim Huseynov highlighted that they are interested in developing relations with the university. The meeting featured the discussions on students' internship at BOS Shelf LLC within the framework of the daily internship program, involving to a job, inviting experienced specialists of the company as an "invited professor" to the university etc. At the end of the meeting, an agreement was reached on the establishment of a working group and extension of the meetings with the participation of both sides.
