

News 16 Nov 2018
National Revival Day marked at ASOIU

An event dedicated to the National Revival Day took place at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) on November 16.

At the event commenced with the national anthem, vice-rector for Educational Affairs, Associate Professor Ata Babayev spoke about the importance of this historic day. Noting that the national liberation movement, which started from November 17, 1988, woke the people's spirit of independence, Ata Babayev underlined that National Revival Day which is one of the main stages of people's independence struggle plays a key role in restoring the sovereignty of Azerbaijan.

Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Associate Professor Gasim Mammadov congratulated everyone on the occasion of remarkable day and emphasized the importance of learning the revival movement and its transmission to future generations.

Attending the event, Professor of the Department of Social Sciences Irada Nuriyeva, Associate Professor Yasar Ahmadov, the head of the ASOIU's first NAP organization, Associate Professor Tamilla Naibova spoke about the National Revival Day and political processes of that period.


In the end, the party tickets were presented to a group of students and the employee that the members of ASOIU's New Azerbaijan Party.

