

News 19 Nov 2018
Memorandum on cooperation was signed between ASOIU and AIMC

On November 19, a meeting was held with the representatives of "Azerbaijan International Mining Company Limited" at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

The meeting was attended by Rector of ASOIU, Professor Mustafa Babanli, Vice-President of AIMC Farhad Hedzhazi, also delegation of ASOIU and AIMC and other guests. Making a speech at the event rector of ASOIU, Professor Mustafa Babanli provided information about the reforms carried out at the university and highlighted the importance of strengthening ties between the university and the company.

Farhad Hedzhazi, Vice President for Technical Affairs of the AIMC, provided information the participants about the organization, spoke about the planned works and future perspectives.

The meeting featured the discussion about the practical internship of ASOIU's students at AIMC studying according to its profile, preparation of specialized personnel potential, the importance of the memorandum, which will be signed in terms of implementation of the cooperation program to solve the problems encountered by the company in the production process by involving the scientific and technical potential of the university.

Ph.D. students of ASOIU - Famil Hamidov made a presentation on "Improving the ability of SAG mills applied in the mining industry" and Aydin Bayramov on "Potential Opportunities and Efficiency of Gadabay, Gadir and Ugur Ore Fields". Doctor in geological-mineralogical sciences, Professor Musa Mammadov underlined the importance of relations between the two organizations and spoke about the importance of science and experience for the development of geology and mining field.

Later a memorandum of understanding was signed between the sides.

At the end expressing his gratitude to the Vice-President for Technical Affairs of the AIMC Farhang Hedjazi, rector of ASOIU, Professor M. Babanli noted the importance of the memorandum of understanding in terms of support to the education, scientific and technical development, as well as contributing to the formation of specialized human resources in the field of geology and mining.

Note that, Azerbaijan International Mining Company Limited (AIMC) is a gold mining company in Azerbaijan. AIMC was established in 1998 in accordance with the agreement on the exploration, development and production sharing of Gadabay, Gosha, Ordubad, Soyudlu, Gizilbulag and Vejneli prospective gold ore deposits signed between the Government of Azerbaijan and RV Investment Group Services in 1997.

The company conducts gold extraction operations in Gadabay area, engaged in exploration work in the fields of Gosha and Ordubad areas. At present AIMC is the flagship company in the mining industry of Azerbaijan and holding the first place in the list of non-oil exporting companies and individuals in the non-oil sector according to the results of 2017.
