

News 19 Nov 2018
Delegation of Gazprom attends the capacity development courses at ASOIU

On November 19, rector of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Professor Mustafa Babanli met with employees of the Russian "Gazprom Geoloqorazvedka LLC" who undertake courses at the Industrial Enterprises Staff Development and Retraining Institute (IESDRI). Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli provided information about the history, teaching process, international relations, foreign students, startup projects, etc. to the guests and also spoke about the quantitative and qualitative indicators in the field of education in recent years. 
Thanking the rector Mustafa Babanli for the sincere welcome, head of Well Control Department Offshore Exploration Management of Gazprom Geologorazvedka LLC in Shelf Ivan Natashkin and head of the geological branch of the geological-exploration management department Sergei Kurdin expressed their satisfaction with the conditions created for them.
Note that, Ivan Natashkin and Sergey Kudrin will attend the ASOIU's IESDRI capacity development courses on November 19-23.
