

News 21 Nov 2018
Student ID cards of the University of Strasbourg presented to UFAZ students

On November 21, 2018, UFAZ first-year students received their Unistra student cards during the yearly traditional event with the participation of the Ambassador of France to Azerbaijan, HE Aurélia Bouchez, ASOIU Rector, professor Mustafa Babanli, and the University of Strasbourg Vice-Rector Delegate for International relations and research and UFAZ scientific expert, professor Philippe Turek.

The event started with a photo exhibition of pictures taken in France, during the UFAZ summer school in Strasbourg, on behalf of UFAZ 3-year students (L2) of Geophysics Rashad Naghiyev and Gunay Nadjafzada.

UFAZ Director Vazeh Asgarov and Secretary General Charlotte Payen welcomed the guests and introduced the program of the ceremony. Ambassador Aurélia Bouchez underlined the specificity of UFAZ whose students are both registered at Strasbourg University and at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, while Rector Mustafa Babanli mentioned the importance of the support of French and Azerbaijani authorities in the success of UFAZ university.

After receiving their Unistra student ID cards, UFAZ freshmen demonstrated their talents through musical group and solo performances.

With this new promotion of 152 students (who scored in average 620 points at SEC admission exam), UFAZ counts today 412 students.
