

News 23 Nov 2018
Cooperation between Zicklin University and ASOIU is expanding

On November 18-22, Professor of the Zicklin School at Baruch College, New York City University, Qing Hu visited ASOIU. Meeting with the rector of ASOIU Mustafa Babanli, Professor of Zicklin University Qing Hu met with the director of the BA program Rafig Aliyev and MBA students and also got acquainted with the teaching methodology of BA programs. Within the framework of visit signing of a cooperation agreement between Zicklin and ASOIU on 3 specialties (MS in Finance (MSF), MS in Master of Science in Information Systems (MSIS), MS in Master of Science in Marketing (MSM) was discussed.

It should be noted that within the framework of the agreement, students with MSF, MSIS, MSM programs are expected to fulfill part of their study in Zicklin University and part in ASOIU, and at the end of their education students will get two diplomas of both universities.

The meetings attended by Ulrich Eberhardt, Professor of Zigen University in Germany

