

News 23 Nov 2018
Head of Oil and Gas Production Department named after A. Amirov meets ASOIU students

On November 23, Ramin Guliyev, head of the Oil and Gas Production Department of Azneft Production Association named after A. Amirov, the alumni of ASOIU, was a guest at the Faculty of Economics and Management (EMF) as "invited professor". The meeting attended by the Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs Ata Babayev, dean of the EMF, Associate Professor Ilham Rustamov, as well as the teaching staff and the students of the faculty.

Providing information to the participants of the event about the organization he represents, Ramin Guliyev spoke about the working principle of organization. Noting that currently there is a great need for professional economists in the country, Guliyev shared his experience with the students.
