

News 27 Nov 2018
First practical works kick off at the newly opened scientific laboratories of UFAZ

November 26, 2018, is now a significant date in the history of the French-Azerbaijani University. On this day the official start of the UFAZ practical works was given in the new six-floored Laboratory inside the hall of Chemical engineering (ASOIU 2nd building, Dilara Aliyeva Str. 227).

From now on, UFAZ students of all four specialties starting from the 2nd-year course will have their practical works of Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Physics and Applied Physics organized in this new science building.

Professor Mustafa Babanli, Rector of ASOIU, visited this first practical work dedicated to Operation on Solids and wished academic success to the 20 students practicing under the control of our two French invited Professors of Chemical engineering, Claudia Cogné, and Agnès Gorczyca.

These UFAZ laboratories are equipped in full compliance with the University of Strasbourg standards. During more than one year French experts from the University of Strasbourg were closely observing the repair works as well as the set-up of the laboratory equipment, imported mainly from France and Germany.

Let us also note that this new 2500m² building includes: 3 chemistry laboratories, 4 laboratories in physics and applied physics, as well as 2 computer science labs and working offices.
