

News 28 Nov 2018
The representative of Oil and Gas Production Department named after A. Amirov holds open lectures to ASOIU's students

On November 26, by the organization of the faculty of "Economics and Management" of the department of "Energy and Economics of petrochemical fields and management" head of the department of "Personnel registration" of Oil and Gas Production department named after A.Amirov, Aida Khalikverdiyeva held an open lecture to the students. At the open lecture that held within the framework of the organization of regular meeting with the students' practical supervisors and specialists, head of the department, professor Gazanfar Suleymanov, associate professors Arzu Mirheydarova, Kamran Isayev, senior lecturer Chingiz Mammadov attended.

During the lecture,  the issues on the recruitment mechanism, control over the development of the scientific-pedagogical staff and effective use of working time in SOCAR has been widely commented and students received answers to their questions.

