

News 30 Nov 2018
ASOIU hosts awareness-raising event with the organization of " Battle against Leukemia" PU

On November 30, the awareness-raising event with the organization of " Battle against Leukemia" Public Union (PU) was held in Azerbaijan state Oil and industry University (ASOIU).

Speaking about the significance of the event, ASOIU's Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, Associate Professor Ata Babayev noted the importance of holding such events at the universities.

A short video about leukemia has been demonstrated at the event. Then, making a presentation, the members of the Public Association "Battle against Leukemia" provided information about the works conducted by the organization so far.

In the end, students received answers to their questions.

Notably, "Battle against Leukemia" Public Union is a non-governmental organization founded by volunteers and donors in order to support children and their families against blood cancer. With the support of the organization, various charity events are regularly held and the collected funds are spent on the children suffering from the disease.
