

News 03 Dec 2018
ASOIU hosts event dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Azerbaijani cinema

On December 3, the event with the support of the Ministry of Culture within the framework of the "Day of Azerbaijani Cinema" dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Azerbaijani cinema was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

The event was attended by Rector of ASOIU, Professor Mustafa Babanli, First Secretary of the Union of Cinematographers of Azerbaijan Jamil Guliyev, as well as teaching staff and students of the university.

Opening the event, rector, professor M.Babanli expressed his pride of holding such remarkable event at ASOIU. Speaking about the glorious history of the Azerbaijani cinema and interesting treasures of cinema, the rector M.Babanli underlined the historical significance of the films in the country, especially in the Oil Boom period.

In his speech, First Secretary of the Union of Cinematographers of Azerbaijan Jamil Guliyev noted that Azerbaijani cinema history which passed a glorious path is connected with oil. Noting that oil has a symbolic meaning in Azerbaijan cinema, Guliev emphasized that the main line of many films which were shot during that period is concerning the oil. Guliyev noted that the event dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the Azerbaijani film is of great importance at ASOIU, that plays an important role in the glorious oil history of the country.

Later, two films about the heroic deeds of the sons of Azerbaijani people, devoted to our National Heroes Allahverdi Bagirov and Alakbar Aliyev were demonstrated.
