

News 04 Dec 2018
A film about prominent Azerbaijani general Karim Karimov was demonstrated at ASOIU

On December 4, the next event with the support of the Ministry of Culture within the framework of the "Day of Azerbaijani Cinema" dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Azerbaijani cinema was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

Opening the event, ASOIU's vice-rector for Educational Affairs, associate professor Ata Babayev, greeted the participants and spoke about the importance of the history of Azerbaijani cinema and its development. The sector chief of the department of cinematography of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism Yusif Sheikhov spoke about the historical development of interesting as well as complicated Azerbaijani cinema.

Expressing his satisfaction of being at ASOIU within the framework of the event and attending such a remarkable event at the university which has rich traditions, Y. Sheikhov stressed the importance of strengthening interest in our national cinema. Later, a film "Rise" about the famous Azerbaijani scientist, artillery general-lieutenant and former AzII (present ASOIU) graduate Karim Karimov shot by the People's Artist of Azerbaijan, film director Vasif Babayev was demonstrated.
