

News 05 Dec 2018
A film directed by Shamil Najafzade "Stepping over the Horizon" was demonstrated at ASOIU

On December 5, the next film with the support of the Ministry of Culture within the framework of the "Day of Azerbaijani Cinema" dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Azerbaijani cinema was demonstrated at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

Opening the event, ASOIU's vice-rector for Educational Affairs, associate professor Ata Babayev, greeted the participants and spoke about the importance of the history of Azerbaijani cinema and its development.

The leading expert of the Azerbaijan State Film Fund, film critic Shahla Amirli spoke about the history of the Azerbaijani cinema and the works carried out in the direction of promoting art and documentary films as well as the role of the documentary films in the formation of young people.

Later, the film about the well-known artists of Azerbaijan "Stepping over the Horizon" directed by the honored art worker of Azerbaijan, film director Shamil Najafzade was demonstrated.
