

News 10 Dec 2018
The 67th Scientific and Technical Conference of Students started at ADNSU

On December 10, The 67th Scientific and Technical Conference of Students dedicated to the 90th anniversary of academician Azad Mirzajanzadeh has started its work on at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

Opening the event, associate professor, vice rector for Academic Affairs of ASOIU, Gasim Mammadov, noted the importance of the 67th Student Scientific-Technical Conference for students. Stressing the importance of attending such conferences in order to reveal the youth's scientific potential, Gasim Mammadov highly appreciated the students' spending their leisure time on scientific research.

Head of the Department of Oil and Gas Engineering of ASOIU, doctor of technical sciences, professor Tulparhan Salavatov spoke about the contribution of academician Azad Mirzajanzadeh to the Azerbaijani science and emphasized the role of the prominent scientist in the development of ASOIU's scientific field.

Professor Elmira Ramazanova, director of the Scientific Research Institute of "Oil and Gas Geotechnology Problems and Chemistry", shared her memories about academician Azad Mirzajanzadeh. Noting that Azad Mirzajanzadeh is the founder of the Scientific Research Institute, professor Elmira Ramazanova underlined that thanks to him the institute established close relations with many scientific centers of the world and those relations continues today.

ASOIU's professor of the Department of Oil and Gas Engineering Eldar Suleymanov made a presentation on the life and activity of prominent scientist, academician Azad Mirzajanzadeh.

Making a speech at the conference, chairman of the Student Scientific Society, professor Yunis Gahramanli provided information about the sessions and speeches that will be held in separate sections of the conference. Noting that in general 292 people are expected to make a speech in 9 sections, associate professor Y. Gahramanli wished success to all participants.

Later, the conference continued its work in different sections.

Notably, the closing ceremony of the 67th Scientific and Technical Conference of Students will take place on December 14.
