

News 12 Dec 2018
ASOIU's rector meets with Vietnamese graduates

On December 12, rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), professor Mustafa Babanli met with the Le Viyet Zung the director of oil and gas department of "Vietsovpetro" of Vietnam and Le Dang Tam, head of the company's technical production department within the framework of the 67th Scientific-Technical Conference of the students dedicated to the 90th anniversary of academician Azad Mirzajanzade.

Greeting the former AzII (present ASOIU) graduates rector, professor M.Babanli spoke about the conducted works and new projects. Speaking about the innovation in the field of student exchange with Vietnam, rector M. Babanli emphasized that at present two Vietnamese students are studying at the university.

Expressing their pride in being at the university after long years, guests noted that they liked the reforms and modern educational standards carried out at the university. Stating that Vietnamese youths are interested in ASOIU, guests underlined that, they will support their involvement in the university.
