

News 13 Dec 2018
ANAS hosts international conference dedicated to academician Azad Mirzajanzadeh's 90th jubilee

On December 13, an international conference on "Innovative technologies and modern problems of applied mathematics in oil and gas industry", dedicated to the 90th anniversary of an outstanding scientist, State Prize Laureate, Honored Science and Technician, academician Azad Mirzajanzadeh, started in ANAS.

Famous scientists from the US, Sweden, Turkey, Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, China and other countries are also attending the event, organized by ANAS, Ministry of Education and Azerbaijan State Oil and Industrial University (ASOIU).

First, the event participants visited the grave of academician Azad Mirzazhanzadeh in the Alley of Honor and laid wreaths and flowers in front of his grave.

 Academician Akif Alizadeh, President of ANAS opened the meeting and spoke about the importance of President Ilham Aliyev's Decree dated July 6, 2018 "On the 90th Anniversary of Academician Azad Mirzajanzadeh", which highlights the high value given to the scientist as a manifestation of care. The head of ANAS noted that the prominent scientist gained significant achievements in the field of science with numerous scientific studies on the problems of the oil-and-gas industry with a rich scientific heritage, with its leadership and direct application of the fundamentally theoretically important methods of the development of offshore oil and gas condensate fields. He underlined that under the leadership of academician A.Mirzajanzadeh more than 250 PhDs, more than 100 doctors of sciences were prepared.

Later, Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, PhD in psychology Mahabbat Valiyeva spoke about the life of world-renowned scientist A.Mirzajanzadeh and his contribution to the development of oil sciences. In her speech, M. Valiyeva emphasized that Azad Mirzejanzadeh who had a wide range of interest was engaged in pedagogical activities, gave effort to the training of highly qualified staff and had taken an active part in the establishment of strong scientific potential for the development of the country's economy.

Speaking at the event, First Vice President of the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan, academician Khoshbakht Yusifzade noted that the 90th anniversary of academician A.Mirzajanzadeh was celebrated in SOCAR in September of this year. K.Yusifzade noted that the prominent scientist was the creator of innovative ideas in oil and gas exploration and production processes, and his fundamental scientific views gained great fame beyond the borders of the country. He noted that, according to the results of the research by academician Azad Mirzajanzadeh, who has achieved the unity of science and production, well-known scientific centers are widely used today. 

Later, Rector of ASUOI, Professor Mustafa Babanli noted that academician Azad Mirzajanzadeh connected most of his work with this university and he has always been looking for young and promising specialists. The scientist's name is well-known outside of the country, the rector added, his ideas and books are widely used in the teaching process. Mustafa Babanli also emphasized that Azad Mirzajanzadeh, who has trained more than 400 PhDs and doctors degree students, promoted the development of new directions in the theory and practice of oil and gas field development, non-linear mechanics and applied mathematics in Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Western Siberia. Professor M.Babanli said that the 67th scientific and technical conference of the students of ASOIU was dedicated to academician Azad Mirzazhanzade. He underlined that scholarships name after the late scientist, are constituted and presented to two bachelors and magistrates achieving great success in education and student scientific society every year at the university. He also noted that the academician's workroom is functioning as a museum.

At the event, Azizaga Shahverdiyev, vice-president of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences made a report on “Innovative technologies for the optimization of the oil fields development and oil extraction", the head of the chair of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, correspondent member of ANAS Tulparkhan Salavatov on "Azad Mirzajanzade - citizen, educator, scientist , thinker”.

Later, the director of the Institute of Control Systems of ANAS, academician Telman Aliyev, correspondent member of ANAS Bagir Suleymanov and dean of the Gas and Oil and Mining faculty of ASOIU, professor Gafar Ismayilov was awarded "Academician Azad Mirzajanzade medal".

Other speakers talked about the importance of Aziz Mirzajanzadeh's scientific creativity and shared his memories of the academician.

The event continued with the plenary hearing.

The international conference will finish on December 14.
