

News 14 Dec 2018
ASOIU holds the final meeting of the 67th Scientific and Technical Conference of the Students

On December 14, the final meeting of the 67th scientific-technical conference of students dedicated to the 90th anniversary of academician Azad Mirzajanzadeh was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

Making a speech at the meeting, ASOIU's rector, professor Mustafa Babanli spoke about the scientific heritage of the academician Azad Mirzajanzadeh and his contributions to the Azerbaijani science. Saying that more than 400 candidate of sciences and more than 110 PhDs were trained by the prominent academician, M. Babanli underlined the importance of the scientific conference dedicated to such a distinguished scientist. Rector M.Babanli also spoke about the reports, the level of preparation of the students and the final report of the conference.

Later, chairman of the Department of Geology and Geophysics, associate professor Sudabe Aliyeva, head of the department of Oil and Gas Production, associate professor Malik Abdullayev, Chairman of Chemical Technology and Industrial Ecology Department, Professor Keykavus Ajamov, head of the department of Oil Mechanical Engineering,  associate professor Jamaladdin Aslanov, head of the department of Power Engineering, professor  Asker Kuliyev, head of the department of Information Technologies and Management, associate professor Faig Hajiyev, the jury of the department of Economics and Management, associate professor  Zaur Asadov, Chairperson of the Department of Social Sciences, Associate Professor Yashar Ahmadov and head of the Foreign Languages Department Nuriya Shirinova delivered a report on the final of the conference.


At the end of the conference, diplomas were presented to the students holding I, II and III places on the bachelor and master degrees.
