

News 17 Dec 2018
The ASOIU hosts an event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Kerim Karimov.

 On December 17, an event dedicated to the 100th jubilee of prominent scientist Karim Karimov was held in ASOIU.

 On December 17, an event dedicated to the 100th jubilee of a prominent scientist and military officer, the active participant in the implementation of space programs, honorary member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Lieutenant-General Kerim Karimov was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

Making a speech at the event, ASOIU's vice-rector for Academic Affairs, associate professor Gasim Mammadov spoke about the life and activity of Lieutenant General Kerim Karimov who was one of the founders of the Soviet cosmonaut, the prominent Soviet scientist and engineer. In his speech, the head of the “Oxu” Academy Samad Vakilov spoke about the leadership of the military officer K. Karimov during the Soviet era and its peerless works in the cosmic field. S. Vakilov spoke about the application of scientific and technical results obtained by the scientist's research in the space industry, his scientific activity and emphasized that his life is a sample to students.

 Later a video about Kerim Karimov was demonstrated by Gular Gasimli the coordinator of Oxu Academy.

 In the end, Oktay Akhmedov the colonel in reserve Karim Karimov's relative thanked everyone on behalf of his family for holding such event and shared his memories of K.Karimov.
