

News 24 Dec 2018
ASOIU hosts a scientific conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of academician Tofig Aliyev


On December 24, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held a scientific conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of a prominent scientist, academician Tofig Aliyev.

Opening the event, rector of ASOIU, professor Mustafa Babanli said that academician Tofig Aliyev is one of the geniuses of the Azerbaijani people. Noting that the majority of works of this prominent scientist are connected with AzII, rector, professor Mustafa Babanli spoke about his contribution to the development of this university.

Saying that the academician is the author of 37 monographs and books, 227 articles and 213 inventions, rector Mustafa Babanli underlined that he had prepared 38 PhDs and 5 doctors of sciences. Emphasizing the importance of holding Tofig Aliyev's anniversary at ASOIU, rector M.Babanli pointed out that the life and activity of scientist is a sample for all young people.

At the conference, a film dedicated to academician Tofig Aliyev was demonstrated.

Later, the dean of the Faculty of Information Technology and Management, associate professor Samad Yusifov made a presentation on the life and activity of prominent scientist, academician Tofig Aliyev.

The corresponding member of ANAS, doctor on technical sciences Ismail Ismayilov noted that academician Tofig Aliyev established a great school in Azerbaijan and contributed to the development of science in the country.

Saying that Tofig Aliyev was known not only in Azerbaijan but also in USSR as a prominent scientist,  Nadir Kazimov, the professor of  Sumgayit State University, doctor on technical sciences, shared his memories about him.

Advisor to the President of Silkway Holding Tokay Gasimzade stressed that academician Tofig Aliyev always took care of his students and did his best to help them.

At the end of the event, family members of the prominent scientist, academician Tofig Aliyev expressed their gratitude to the entire university administration, rector, professor Mustafa Babanli, for organizing the conference.

Notably, Tofik Mammad oglu Aliyev was born on June 1, 1928, in Ganja city. He graduated from the faculty of Power  Engineering of the Azerbaijan Industry Institute (present Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University) (1951), in 1954 he was a PhD in technical sciences, in 1967 he received a Ph.D. in technical sciences, and in 1969 he received the title of professor. In 1980 he was a corresponding member of ANAS, and in 1989 he became a full member. In 1989-1993 Tofig Aliyev was the rector of ASOIU 

Silkway Holding-in prezidentinin müşaviri Tokay Qasımzadə akademik Tofiq Əliyevin hər zaman tələbələrinə qayğı ilə yanaşdığını, onlara kömək etmək üçün əlindən gələni etdiyini vurğulayıb.

Tədbirin sonunda görkəmli alim, akademik Tofiq Əliyevin ailə üzvləri konfransın təşkil olunmasına görə başda rektor, professor Mustafa Babanlı olmaqla bütün universitet rəhbərliyinə öz minnətdarlığını bildiriblər.

Qeyd edək ki, Tofiq Məmməd oğlu Əliyev 1928-ci il iyunun 1-də Gəncə şəhərində anadan olub. Azərbaycan Sənaye İnstitutunun (indiki Azərbaycan Dövlət Neft və Sənaye Universiteti) Energetika fakültəsini bitirib (1951), 1954-cü ildə texnika üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru, 1967-ci ildə texnika üzrə elmlər doktoru elmi dərəcəsini, 1969-cu ildə professor elmi adını alıb. 1980-ci ildə AMEA-nın müxbir üzvü, 1989-cu ildə isə həqiqi üzvü seçilib. Tofiq Əliyev 1989-1993-cü illərdə ADNSU-nun rektoru vəzifəsində çalışıb.
