

News 25 Dec 2018
ASOIU joins UEFA Europa League Final volunteering volleyball program

On December 25, a presentation of the Volunteer Program in connection with the final game of the 2019 UEFA Europa League was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

Opening the event, ASOIU's vice-rector for Educational Affairs, associate professor Ata Babayev conveyed the greetings of the rector, professor Mustafa Babanli to the participants. Speaking about the international sporting events held in our country and interests of youths in these events, A.Babayev underlined that ASOIU's students have actively volunteered in many competitions.

Later, UEFA's Volunteering Director Yusif Veliyev and Sanan Sharifzade, the sports commentator of ATV provided information about the principles, rules, requirements and registration process of the volunteering program in the UEFA Europa League final match, which will be held in Baku on May 29, 2019.

At the end of the event, ASOIU's joining to the Volunteer Program has been kicked off.

Notably, there will be 1300 volunteers on 23 organizations and over 40 functions in the "2019 UEFA Europa League Final" to be held in Baku.
