

News 26 Dec 2018
ASOIU holds the meeting of Academic Board

The next meeting of the Academic Board was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) on December 26.

Rector of ASOIU, professor Mustafa Babanli first provided information the Board members about the issues on the agenda.

Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, associate professor Gasim Mammadov provided detailed information to the Academic Board about the preparations for the autumn semester exam session of the 2018/2019 academic year.

Then, the rector Mustafa Babanli made a speech about the activities of the Dissertation boards.

The report of the Vice-Rector for International Relations, associate professor Rafik Jamalov on the state of  ASOIU's international relations was heard.

At the meeting, the dean of the Faculty of Oil and Mechanical Engineering, associate professor  Ali Hikmat Ahmedov gave an annual report.

The Academic Board's meeting featured discussions about the result of the reports on the business visit of ASOIU's delegation to the University of Strasbourg, approval of a new evaluation list for the components of the subject in the formulation of exam scores and other issues.

