

News 26 Dec 2018
ASOIU signs a memorandum on cooperation with the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources

On December 26, a meeting with a delegation led by Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Mukhtar Babayev was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University.

Making a speech at the event, rector of ASOIU, professor Mustafa Babanli provided information about the reforms carried out at the university, spoke about the importance of strengthening the relations between the two sides. Noting that several specialties according to the ministry profile are taught in ASOIU, Mustafa Babanlı expressed his confidence that the Memorandum of Understanding, which will be signed between the two organization, will contribute to education and the formation of specialized human resources in this area.

Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Mukhtar Babayev expressed his satisfaction with the development of relations with ASOIU, one of the leading universities in Azerbaijan. The minister underlined the importance of the memorandum according to develop scientific and practical relations, to provide qualified personnel training, to strengthen bilateral relations and to ensure the development of cooperation.

Sonra ADNSU ilə Ekologiya və Təbii Sərvətlər Nazirliyi arasında əməkdaşlığa dair memorandum imzalanıb.

Later, the memorandum on cooperation was signed between ASOIU and the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources.

According to the memorandum, it is planned to prepare professional staff on the specialty of Ecology, Geology and Hydrogeology, the organization of internships and training for students bachelors and masters levels at the subordinate institutions of the ministry, joint use of scientific-research laboratories of the ministry and the university to carry out students' scientific-research works, inviting experts from the Ministry to participate in the university's teaching process and scientific work.
