

News 27 Dec 2018
ASOIU holds the opening ceremony of AzII E-book house

On December 27, the opening ceremony of the AzII E-Book House was held in Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University.  The opening ceremony was attended by rector of ASOIU, professor Mustafa Babanli, Deputy Education Minister Mahabbat Valiyeva, Chairman of the Public Reliance Council of the University, MP Aydin Mirzazade, Editor-in-Chief of "Yeni Azerbaijan" newspaper, MP Hikmet Babaoglu and also academic staff and students of the university, as well as media representatives.

After cutting a red ribbon symbolizing the opening of the library, event participants acquainted with the condition that created at the library, its resources and reading room. The director of the AzII E-Book House, Salahat Mahmudova provided information the event participants about the new material and technical base of the library, books and the activity of the library which will operate 24 hours, as well as the special protection mode of the books.

Later, rector of ASOIU, professor M.Babanli welcomed the participants and said that the opening ceremony of the AzII E-Book House is one of the most remarkable events in the life of the university.
Providing information about the construction process of the library, M.Babanli underlined that although the world's practice was used, a unique system of ASOIU was created here and the AzII E-Book House is a library that will operate 7 days and 24 hours under the brand of AzII. Noting that the library which covers 800 square meter area is connected to the university's electronic network, rector M. Babanli underlined that all condition for students have been created here and the library has 1 million book resources.
Providing information about the terms of use of the library, rector M.Babanli pointed out that the second part of the library will be put into operation in the future and it will cover 1000 square meters area.
He noted that the library will be open to ASOIU students and staff and in the future, to all citizens of the country.

Deputy Minister of Education Mahabbat Valiyeva said that rapid development and construction works were observed at ASOIU in recent years.
Noting that not only material and technical base but also general structure of ASOIU was renewed,  M.Valiyeva underlined that she highly appreciate the contribution of the university to creating a modern library system which operates 24 hours

Noting that AzII presented e-book house with its brand, MP Aydin Mirzazadeh underlined that ASOIU contributed to the development of library culture in the country.

At the end of the event, a former graduate of ASOIU, Founder and General director of “Barratson” company, Elshan Rahimov, noted in his speech that he was proud of reforms carried out at the university. He gifted 100 books to the AzII E-book house of ASOIU on behalf of the organization led by him. Notably, there is a reading hall in the 2-storey library. It is available to access the electronic resources of popular libraries, including foreign university bases. There are 1,200 e-books in the library which has 1 million book resources. All books were sorted and classified according to the choice of academic staff. About 250 thousand barcodes of the books were noted. The books are kept on special shelves with special protection.

Students who want to stay and study at night in the library will be provided with free food.
