

News 07 Jan 2019
ASOIU's Student Youth Organization is selected "SYO of the year"

The event was held with the organization of Student Youth Organizations’ Union in order to present the nominees of the year.

Making a speech at the event, the deputy of Member of Parliament Shahin Ismayilov, Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports Intigam Babayev, Executive Director of the Youth Foundation of Azerbaijan Farid Jafarov shared their sincere wishes with students.

Later, awards were presented for various nominations. Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University was awarded the "SYO of the Year" for its special services in the direction of development of student-youth in the higher educational institutions functioning in Baku current year. Chairman of the Student Youth Organization of our University Mugaddas Azizade was awarded a certificate and remuneration by Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports Intigam Babayev. Also, ASOIU vice-rector for Educational Affairs, associate professor Ata Babayev was awarded the "Vice-Rector of the Year" for his close cooperation with ASYOU, care and support of youth social activities in the educational institution.
