

News 09 Jan 2019
Autumn semester exam session continues at ASOIU

 10297 undergraduates and 1192 postgraduates will take part in the examination session of the autumn semester of the 2018/2019 academic year at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). So far, 6261 students have participated in exams. 547 of them got unsatisfactory, 1245 satisfactory, 1183 fair, 924  good, 788 very good and 1418  excellent marks.113 students did not attend exams.

ASOIU has taken all measures to ensure the organization of the exam session according to existing rules, providing transparency and objectivity in assessing the students' knowledge. The examination process is controlled by the Exam Monitoring Center in order to provide transparency in the examinations.

Notably, the exams are held in two shifts and 3 forms (written, written-oral and testing). Exam answers are coded and the results are posted within 24 hours in the e-university  (Unibook). Autumn semester exam session in ASOIU has started in the part-time department on December 20 and in the full-time department on January 3. Students who have got unsatisfactory marks (only 2 subjects on the failed exam) may take a re-exam by paying 25% payment from February 3 to 14.
