

News 11 Jan 2019
A commission report to calculate additional salaries that will be given to the teaching staff of ASOIU

The guideline for calculating additional salaries to the teaching staff of ASOIU was approved by the decree of the Academic Board dated on December 27, 2017. From 20 to 27 of December 2018, 65 employees of the university submitted their documents to the commission headed by the rector of ASOIU, professor Mustafa Babanli.The submitted documents were investigated at the commission meetings held on January 3-10, 2019 and the list of employees who completely meet the conditions of the competition was determined:

Babayev Nariman Ibadulla
Nariman Nariman Rustam
Ahmedov Tofig Rashid
Zarifa Jahangir Efendiyeva
Gurbanov Huseyn Ramazan
Salavatov Tulparhan Sharabudinovich
Rasulov Sakit Rauf
Mustafayeva Gulshan Rasul
Aghahuseynova Minira Mahammadali
Adigezalova Mehpar Babaverdi
Hasanov Alakbar Agasaf
Yusubov Fakhraddin Vali
Acemov Keykavus Yusif
Ibrahimov Chingiz Shirin
Huseynova Elvira Enverrovna
Guliyeva Sevinj Nizami
Aslanov Jamaladdin Nureddin
Ibrahimov Nazim Yusif
Gulsegli Alasgar Samad
Abbasov Ibrahim Isa
Efendiyeva Irada Gafar
Alizadeh Akif Vali
Gardashova Latafet Abbas
Abdullayev Vugar Hajimahmud
Jabbarova Konul Imran
Ibrahimova Ellada Nazim
Aliyeva Kamala Rafig
Ismayilov Bahram Israfil
Aliyev Araz Rafig
Abdullayev Vagif Maarif
Hamzayev Khanlar Mehvali
Hasanov Javanshir Javad
Khalilov Elnur Hasan
Gasimov Gasim Gurban
Guliyev Samir Zakir
Aliyev Ziya Sakhaveddin
Hasanov Adalat Badal
Sultanov Latif Agamirza
Mikayilova Mehriban Rahil
Mustafayeva Rena Eldar
Bayramova Aygün Seymur
Huseynov Seiami Senani
Yusubov Fikret Fakhraddin
Huseynov Oleg Hajiagha

Applicants who disagree with the results of the Commission may appeal to the rector with their application. The Appeal Commission will look into the appeals at room number 218, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm on January 14, 15 and 16 January 2019.

All results will be submitted to the meeting of the Academic Board of the University that will be held in January 2019, and after approval by the Academic Council, with the relevant decree signed by the rector, starting from January 1, 2019, additional salaries will be paid in the next 12 months.
