

News 16 Jan 2019
Representatives of the global drilling company "MHWirth" visit ASOIU

On January 16, the rector of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), professor Mustafa Babanli, met with Senior Vice President of global drilling company "MHWirth", Johannes Eikland, and the general manager of company’s representative office in Azerbaijan Rufat Ziyadkhanov.

Greeting the guests, rector, professor Mustafa Babanli spoke about the educational process, scientific work, exchange process and new projects at the university. Noting the importance of teaching subjects in English in ASOIU, rector M.Babanli underlined that the cooperation is carried out with many foreign companies, along with famous foreign universities, extensive works are conducted particularly in the direction of dual diploma programs. Noting that students pass internship in many oil and gas sector in local and foreign companies, M. Babanli spoke about new opportunities for cooperation with "MHWirth".

Johann Eikland, senior vice-president of "MHWirth" said that he was pleased to be at ASOIU and provided information about the organization he represents and said that they have worked as a global supplier of drilling appliances for many years. Noting that national cadres are preferred in the company's representative office in Azerbaijan, Y. Eikland said that process automation is a priority and they are interested in cooperation with ASOIU in this area.
