

News 01 Mar 2019
AzII E-Book House hosts presentation of the new "Physics" textbook

On March 1, the presentation of the newly released "Physics" textbook of the head of the Department of Physics, doctor of physico-mathematical sciences professor Musavar Musayev was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

The presentation was attended by the vice-rector for Science and Technology (for Scientific Affairs) of ASOIU, doctor of technical sciences, Rauf Aliyarov, dean of the Faculty of Power Engineering (PE), associate professor Zakir Hasanov, director of AzII E-Book House Salahat Mahmudova, as well as academic staff and students of the Physics Department.

The presentation featured a discussion about the development of ASOIU's new edition "Physics" for bachelors that meet the modern requirements and publication of physics program in accordance with the improved form of the physics program. It was also noted that the book has been provided concise interpretation on the basics of classical mechanics, a theory of gravitation, molecular physics and thermodynamics, electrodynamics, wave optics, atomic and nuclear physics comprehensively. Later, the impressions about the textbook were heard and exchanged views.
