

News 10 Apr 2019
AREA's chief power engineering specialist delivers lecture to ASOIU students

On April 10, Chief power engineering specialist of State Agency on Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources (AREA), Tahir Jafarov, met with students of the faculty of Power Engineering of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) as "invited professor".

Providing comprehensive information about the organization that he represents, Tahir Jafarov shared his experiences with students. AREA's Chief power engineering specialist delivered a lecture on "Accidents in the power engineering system". In the end, the students received answers to their questions.

Notably, Tahir Jafarov has been working as AREA's chief power engineering specialist since 2013. He is the author of the books "The Role of Hydroaccumulation Power Stations in the Integration of Renewable Energy Sources into the Energy System", "Electric Power - on the verge of existence and absence", and the articles on increasing the efficiency of the energy system, the safety of HPS, the application of modern technologies to energy, the use of renewable energy and others.
