

News 14 Sep 2023
Unistra Professor visits ASOIU

On September 14, Christophe Serra, the coordinator of the Chemical Engineering master's program at the Azerbaijani-French University (UFAZ) and a research expert who is also a professor at Unistra, visited the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

Ch. Serra conducted a seminar for doctoral candidates and university teachers on the topic of "How to Prepare a Successful Doctoral Dissertation."

During the seminar, participants were provided with information on various topics, including research methodology, to enhance the effectiveness of research and the writing process of a doctoral dissertation. The seminar covered topics such as time management and planning, resource utilization, organization of thesis structure, and more.

At the end of the seminar, participants had the opportunity to ask questions, which Christophe Serra answered.

Christophe Serra also met with Vazeh Asgarov, the Acting Rector of ASOIU. Latifa Nasibova, the Head of UFAZ's Education Department, and Elizaveta Bydanova, the UFAZ Secretary General, attended the meeting. After welcoming the guest at the university, Vazeh Asgarov discussed the significant achievements and goals of ASOIU as a research institution, highlighting the planned activities in this direction.

The meeting included discussions about scientific research and research directions, as well as possible avenues for collaborative activities to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of scientific research.
