

News 31 Jan 2024
The first meeting of the Academic Board for the year 2024 held at ASOIU

On January 31, the first meeting of the Academic Board for the year 2024 has been held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). Traditionally, the Acting Rector of ASOIU, Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov, announced the daily agenda items to the board members, which were subsequently approved.

During the Academic Board meeting, Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov provided detailed information about the forecasts and specific goals for the year 2024. He discussed the enhancement of the quality of education and the development of scientific achievements at the university, highlighting accomplishments and upcoming initiatives.

In line with the agenda, ASOIU's Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Associate Professor Gasim Mammadov, presented the university's activity plan for the year 2024 and provided detailed information about the current status of the 2023-2024 autumn semester examination session. Following the presentation by the Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, Professor Latafat Gardashova, on the outcomes of the research activities carried out in 2023 and the status of master's programs at ASOIU, the Dean of the Faculty of Power Engineering, Associate Professor Aydin Aliyev, presented the annual report on the faculty's activities.

After discussing the current issues during the Academic Board meeting, unanimous decisions were made. Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov expressed his opinions and suggestions on the discussed matters, providing assignments for upcoming work and future goals.
