The exam on subject must be held and completed on the appointed day. If the exam is not complete within a day, the teacher should inform rectorate and the IT Department about this.
The student must choose the exam ticket on the subject by entering the link at 9:00 on the day of the exam. The number of the exam tickets in the system cannot be changed.
The number of students in the teaching group is divided into groups consisting of 6 people according to the ranking in the electronic journal and each group is given no more than 1 hour to take the exam
The student must join the exam online at the time determined by teacher on the day of the exam and answer the questions.
The exam process should be conducted only through the Microsoft Teams platform and registration by the teacher.
The result of an unregistered student will be assessed as "did not attend" the exam
Citing to the questions posted on Unibook based on the active syllabus, teachers should post exam questions classified into 5 groups according to the level of difficulty on Unibook by 27.05.2020.
The student joining the exam is given 20 minutes to think after the teacher shows the questions of the exam ticket. Students must answer the questions by waiting their turn.
In order to conduct the mid-term assessment, the teacher must ask at least 1 question in each of the questions on exam ticket.
If there is a question on the ticket like "solve the task", these questions will be addressed by the teacher to the student.
The subject exam will be taken by a teacher assigned to the teaching group at the beginning of the spring semester of the 2019/2020 academic year.
If the teacher does not have the opportunity to take the exam online, same exam can be conducted by a teacher pre-determined by the head of the department and submitted to the IT Department. For this purpose, the name and surname of the teacher who will conduct the exam must be sent by the protocol service of the department to the responsible person of the IT Department through email. This e-mail will be accepted as the e-mail of the head of the department.
Students' exam results will be posted on Unibook within 24 hours after the exam.
The online exam process for sub-groups and individual groups will be organized in the last week of the exam session and will be conducted by a subject teacher appointed by the head of the department.
Appeals of students who are dissatisfied with the results of online exams will be investigated by members of the appeal commission on the basis of video recording.
In August of the current calendar year, the subject teacher will allocate 3 weeks lecture summary and 1 week consultation hours to the student and students will be given the opportunity to take an exam organized by the IT Department until 09.2020.
The current assessment of all students is evaluated at 30-50 points (30 points for all students and 0 - 20 points for the presentation (independent work), and the interim assessment at 0 - 50 points (0 - 10 points for each question on the exam ticket consisting of 5 questions). Points scored by students in the online teaching for activity and midterms (0 - 10) will be taken into account by teachers in advance during the exam. Students will not be required to score at least 17 in the exam.
The state exam, diploma thesis and defense of master's dissertations will be carried out in accordance with a letter of instruction of the Ministry of Education № 01-11-522 / 15, dated 20.05.2020.