

News 21 Jul 2022
A meeting with media representatives is held in ASOIU on the 147th anniversary of the National Press

On July 21, the Rector of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Professor Mustafa Babanli, met with media representatives on July 22 - National Press Day.

The Rector, Professor M. Babanli, noting that he was glad to welcome media representatives to the university on the 147th anniversary of the creation of the National Press, congratulated the journalists on their professional holiday.

Providing information to the media representatives about the work done in the direction of the development of teaching at the university, the taken measures, and the achieved successes, M. Babanli noted that the media played a significant role in conveying information to the public and thanked the journalists for their support and practical cooperation in highlighting the work done Rector M. Babanli, speaking about the media freedom and democracy in our country, emphasized the merits of journalists on the information front during the 44-day Patriotic War and wished the media representatives success in their future activities.

Then, gifts were presented to media representatives on the occasion of the 147th anniversary of the National Press.

The event continued with discussions at the tea table.

Expressing gratitude to the ASOIU administration for the successful university-media cooperation, media representatives thanked Rector M. Babanli for the meeting organized on National Press Day. They stressed that they would continue to inform the public about the activities of ASOIU and are ready to participate in this work.
