

News 12 Jan 2023
24 UFAZ students will do a 5-month internship in France

During the Spring semester of the 2022/2023 academic year, 24 second-year master students of Azerbaijani-French University under ASOIU will be doing an internship and making dissertation defences at ten different laboratories in 4 various cities in France.

Students will be working at laboratories under the supervision of French professors. Among them, nine are in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, 8 in Physical Chemistry/Chemical Engineering, and 7 in the Geosciences Programs of UFAZ.

Since the Autumn semester of 2022, already 2 UFAZ students have been doing the second year of their master's studies at the University of Strasbourg. One has been studying Cheminformatics, and the other is pursuing Physical and Analytical Chemistry specialities.

UFAZ students find internships themselves. Students with high academic performances receive scholarships during their internships in France.



