

News 10 Sep 2023
The event titled "Support for Schoolchildren - Akinchi Bag" held at ASOIU

On September 10, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) organized an event called "Support for Schoolchildren - Akinchi Bag" in connection with September 15, "Knowledge Day."

The event, organized by ASOIU and the "Akinchi Family" Public Association, was attended by ASOIU's Acting Rector, Associate Professor Vazeh Askarov; Member of Parliament, Jeyhun Mammadov; public figures; organization representatives; close relatives; children of our martyrs; and the university's faculty.
The event began with a minute of silence in honour of our martyrs, followed by the national anthem and a video presentation highlighting the thoughts of the Great Leader, Heydar Aliyev, on youth and education.

Emin Hajisoy, the founder of the "Akinchi Family" Public Association, represented the activities of this public organization, including today's event, to the participants. He pointed out that the purpose of this event, held at ASOIU, one of Azerbaijan's leading higher education institutions, is to bring together the children of our martyrs and commence the new academic year with them.

ASOIU's Acting Rector, Associate Professor Vazeh Askarov, delivered a speech welcoming the event participants and emphasized the importance of this meeting during the "Heydar Aliyev Year." He noted that the national leader, Heydar Aliyev, had always paid attention to youth and educational development. Assoc. Prof. Vazeh Askarov pointed out that today, this mission continues successfully, highlighting that it is not a coincidence that our country has cultivated talented and patriotic young people. The bravery of these young individuals, combined with the leadership of the Commander-in-Chief and the unity of the people and the army, resulted in the liberation of our lands from the enemy's occupation in just 44 days, achieving eternal victory for Azerbaijan. Assoc. Prof. Vazeh Askarov mentioned that the spirits of our hero sons who sacrificed their lives for the homeland will always be cherished. He stated that these heroes' family members and children will forever be dear to our nation, appreciating the significance of today's event dedicated to them.

In his speech, Member of Parliament Jeyhun Mammadov talked about the heroic path of our heroes who sacrificed their lives to protect our lands' territorial integrity and liberate the occupied ancient Azerbaijani lands. He stated that it is not only the state's duty but also the primary responsibility of individual independent organizations and every Azerbaijani to honour their memory and care for their family members and children. He emphasized that today, thanks to them, we, as victorious citizens of our country, proudly speak of the victory of the invincible Azerbaijani Army led by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief.

Other speakers also praised the courage of our martyr heroes and stated that they are our eternal oath, and hundreds of Azerbaijani youth are growing up in their place. The family members and close relatives of our martyrs expressed their gratitude for the attention and care shown to them.

At the end of the event, gifts were presented to the children of martyrs.
